Dublin walking tours     Explore Dublin      Cynthia James

Explore Dublin and Ireland with an experienced traveler as your guide!

A lifetime of experience in the arts and theatre around the world - from the palaces of Russia, the grandeur of London, to the ancient streets of Rome - led me to the place I love best...Dublin. I fell in love with Ireland the moment I set foot on Irish soil. Oh, but Dubln...it is the place I love best!

I spent years exploring Ireland, and learning about Irish history and culture and I feel more at home there than anyplace in the world. As I talk to people about my adventures, they often say such things as "Hearing you speak about Ireland with such enthusiasm...I want to go, too!" or "It sounds like so much fun, but I could never do that...take off to a foreign country and find my my own way."

My name is Cynthia James and there is nothing I enjoy more than showing people around the historic cobblestone streets of Dublin and sharing all I've learned about Ireland. If you would like an Irish adventure, but you don't want to do it alone, come with me and I'll show you the way!

Join me for a MAGICAL TOUR of DUBLIN! and see why Dublin has a reputation for being a vibrant, colorful and lively cosmopolitan city. You WILL have fun...IRISH style!! Have an ADVENTURE - stress free and worry free!

There are so many exciting and interesting things to see and do in Dublin:

  • Sit in on a traditional music sesiun at the International Bar on Wicklow Street while raising a pint of Guinness.
  • Enjoy traditional Irish food at the Brazen Head, Ireland's oldest pub circa 1198, steeped in Irish history
  • Relax with a cup of Irish tea at Bewleys Famous Oriental Cafe after an afternoon of shopping on Grafton Street.
  • Explore the history of the Viking settlement in Dublin or the 1916 Revolution of Independence.
  • Revel in the wild night life on the cobblestone streets of Temple Bar.
  • Follow in the steps of Leopold Bloom of James Joyces' Ulysses.
  • Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the pubs frequented by Dublin's literary heritage of writers

Day trips will also be arranged to the countryside of Ireland!

"More than 850,000 Americans come to Ireland every year, but despite Dublin's being home to 40 percent of Ireland's population, many tourists zip through the capital city on their way to Ireland's postcard-perfect rolling hills and craggy seasides. One resident told me, 'Your people come to Dublin to go to the Guinness Brewery and get a motorcoach to the country. You think Dublin isn't the real Ireland.' Historical sites abound in Dublin, each of which touches on a different part of a 1,200-year stretch of Dublin's history, from the Viking settlements in the year 800 to the Irish War of Independence that ended in 1921."
Joseph Guinto, travel writer for American Airlines Americanway MagazineNow

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Please visit Isadora Dances to learn more about Cynthia.

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